
56" High Service/Utility Body With Cargo Bed Enclosure On SRW Truck

This is a functional beauty! This is a 56" tall Harbor Service/Utility Body mounted on a single rear wheel super cab truck. Though it is not designed to carry lead, it has considerable space for lighter weight items. The shelving is movable, so the space can be designed at will. In addition, this has a somewhat taller 19" tailgate, and a 3-piece Cargo Bed Enclosure, and a Stainless Steel Vise Bracket. Notice also that the horizontal compartment over the rear wheel is not vertical. All in all, this makes a sweet package.

Call Harbor at 800-433-9452, and visit their website at http://www.htbi.net/.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Very nice truck.I really appreciate because great functionality and service .
    utility body
